Created on April 1, 2024 @author: wangc
Convert space or comma separated string to list of string |
Convert space or comma separated string to list of float |
Convert xml node text to float |
Convert xml node text to integer. |
Method aimed to convert a string in type str |
Convert string to bool |
Module Contents¶
- src.poem.poemUtils.convertNodeTextToList(nodeText, sep=None)[source]¶
Convert space or comma separated string to list of string @ In, nodeText, str, string from xml node text @ Out, listData, list, list of strings
- src.poem.poemUtils.convertNodeTextToFloatList(nodeText, sep=None)[source]¶
Convert space or comma separated string to list of float @ In, nodeText, str, string from xml node text @ Out, listData, list, list of floats
- src.poem.poemUtils.convertStringToFloat(xmlNode)[source]¶
Convert xml node text to float @ In, xmlNode, xml.etree.ElementTree.Element, xml element @ Out, val, float, value of xml element text
- src.poem.poemUtils.convertStringToInt(xmlNode)[source]¶
Convert xml node text to integer. @ In, xmlNode, xml.etree.ElementTree.Element, xml element @ Out, val, integer, value of xml element text