Created on April 1, 2024 @author: wangc
This module is the POEM Template interface, which use the user provided input XML file to construct the corresponding RAVEN workflows i.e. RAVEN input XML file.
POEM Template Interface |
Module Contents¶
- class src.poem.PoemTemplateInterface.PoemTemplateInterface(filename)[source]¶
POEM Template Interface
- validAnalysis = ['sensitivity', 'sparse_grid_construction', 'sparse_grid_rom', 'lhs', 'mc', 'train_rom',...[source]¶
- _statsPrefix = ['skewness', 'variationCoefficient', 'mean', 'kurtosis', 'median', 'max', 'min', 'var', 'sigma'][source]¶
- getOutput()[source]¶
get the processed outputs from this class: PoemTemplateInterface @ In, None @ Out, (outputDict, miscDict), tuple, first dictionary contains the whole element that need to be appended in
the templated input, while the second dictionary contains only the values that need to be replaced.
- readInput()[source]¶
Read the POEM input files, and construct corresponding ET elements @ In, None @ Out, None
- readGlobalSettings(xmlNode)[source]¶
Read the RunInfo XML node from the input root @ In, xmlNode, xml.etree.ElementTree.Element, the input root xml @ Out, None
- static buildPointSet(name, inputs, outputs)[source]¶
Build single PointSet XML node @ In, name, str, the name for the PointSet @ In, inputs, str, string that contains the list of input variables @ In, outputs, str, string that contains the list of output variables @ out, pointSet, xml.etree.ElementTree.Element, the constructed PointSet XML node
- static buildHistorySet(name, inputs, outputs, pivot='time')[source]¶
Build single HistorySet XML node @ In, name, str, the name for the PointSet @ In, inputs, str, string that contains the list of input variables @ In, outputs, str, string that contains the list of output variables @ out, historySet, xml.etree.ElementTree.Element, the constructed HistorySet XML node
- static buildPrint(name, source)[source]¶
Build single OutStream Print XML node @ In, name, str, the name for the PointSet @ In, source, str, string that contains name of Data Object @ out, printObj, xml.etree.ElementTree.Element, the constructed print XML node
- buildSamplerVariable(inputs, distNode, limit=20, grid=False, init=None)[source]¶
build the sampler variable block
- static buildVariableGroup(name, varList)[source]¶
Build variable group node @ In, name, str, the name for the variable group @ In, varList, list, list of variables @ out, group, xml.etree.ElementTree.Element, the constructed variable group XML node
- buildStatsGroup(name, inputs, outputs)[source]¶
Build basic statistic variable group node @ In, name, str, the name for the variable group @ In, inputs, list, list of input variables @ In, outputs, list, list of output variables @ out, group, xml.etree.ElementTree.Element, the constructed variable group XML node