Source code for src.poem.PoemTemplateInterface

# Copyright 2024, Battelle Energy Alliance, LLC All Rights Reserved
Created on April 1, 2024
@author: wangc

This module is the POEM Template interface, which use the user provided input XML
file to construct the corresponding RAVEN workflows i.e. RAVEN input XML file.
import os
import sys
import logging
from .templates import templateConfig
from . import poemUtils

logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s %(name)-20s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s', datefmt='%d-%b-%y %H:%M:%S', level=logging.DEBUG)
# To enable the logging to both file and console, the logger for the main should be the root,
# otherwise, a function to add the file handler and stream handler need to be created and called by each module.
# logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]logger = logging.getLogger()
# # create file handler which logs debug messages
[docs]fh = logging.FileHandler(filename='poem.log', mode='w')
[docs]formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(name)-20s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s')
fh.setFormatter(formatter) # add the handlers to the logger logger.addHandler(fh) try: from ravenframework.utils import xmlUtils except ImportError: try: from .._utils import get_raven_loc # from ._utils import get_raven_loc'Import "get_raven_loc" from "_utils"') except ImportError:'Import "get_raven_loc" from "POEM.src._utils"') from POEM.src._utils import get_raven_loc ## We need to add raven to the system path, since this file will be executed before RAVEN ## Otherwise, an ModuleNotFoundError will be raised to complain no module named 'ravenframework' ravenFrameworkPath, _ = get_raven_loc() sys.path.append(os.path.join(ravenFrameworkPath, '..')) from ravenframework.utils import xmlUtils
[docs]class PoemTemplateInterface(object): """ POEM Template Interface """ # distribution template
[docs] uniformDistNode = xmlUtils.newNode('Uniform')
uniformDistNode.append(xmlUtils.newNode('lowerBound')) uniformDistNode.append(xmlUtils.newNode('upperBound')) # sampled variables template
[docs] samplerVarNode = xmlUtils.newNode('variable')
samplerVarNode.append(xmlUtils.newNode('distribution')) # External Model template
[docs] externalModelNode = xmlUtils.newNode(tag='ExternalModel', attrib={'name':None, 'subType':None, 'ModuleToLoad':None})
externalModelNode.append(xmlUtils.newNode('inputs')) externalModelNode.append(xmlUtils.newNode('outputs')) # BayCal.LikelihoodModel External Model template
[docs] lhExternalModelNode = xmlUtils.newNode(tag='ExternalModel', attrib={'name':None, 'subType':'BayCal.LikelihoodModel'})
lhExternalModelNode.append(xmlUtils.newNode('inputs')) lhExternalModelNode.append(xmlUtils.newNode('outputs'))
[docs] lhModelNode = xmlUtils.newNode(tag='LikelihoodModel', attrib={'type':'normal'})
lhModelNode.append(xmlUtils.newNode('simTargets')) lhModelNode.append(xmlUtils.newNode(tag='expTargets', attrib={'shape':None, 'computeCov':None, 'correlation':None})) lhModelNode.append(xmlUtils.newNode(tag='biasTargets')) lhModelNode.append(xmlUtils.newNode(tag='expCov', attrib={'diag':True})) lhModelNode.append(xmlUtils.newNode(tag='biasCov', attrib={'diag':True})) lhModelNode.append(xmlUtils.newNode(tag='romCov', attrib={'diag':True}))
[docs] reductionNode = xmlUtils.newNode(tag='reduction')
reductionNode.append(xmlUtils.newNode(tag='type')) reductionNode.append(xmlUtils.newNode(tag='truncationRank'))
[docs] basisNode = xmlUtils.newNode(tag='basis', attrib={'shape':None})
lhModelNode.append(reductionNode) lhModelNode.append(basisNode) lhExternalModelNode.append(lhModelNode)
[docs] validAnalysis = ['sensitivity', 'sparse_grid_construction', 'sparse_grid_rom', 'lhs', 'mc', 'train_rom', 'bayesian_optimization', 'model_calibration']
[docs] analysisRequired ={'sensitivity':['RunInfo', 'Files', 'Models', 'Distributions'], 'sparse_grid_construction':['RunInfo', 'Files', 'Models', 'Distributions'], 'sparse_grid_rom':['RunInfo', 'Files', 'Models', 'Distributions'], 'lhs':['RunInfo', 'Files', 'Distributions'], 'mc':['RunInfo', 'Files', 'Distributions'], 'train_rom':['RunInfo', 'Distributions'], 'bayesian_optimization':['RunInfo', 'Files', 'Models', 'Distributions'], 'model_calibration':['RunInfo', 'Files', 'Models', 'Distributions', 'LikelihoodModel']}
[docs] analysisOptions ={'sensitivity':[], 'sparse_grid_construction':[], 'sparse_grid_rom':[], 'lhs':['Models'], 'mc':['Models'], 'train_rom':[], 'bayesian_optimization':['Functions'], 'model_calibration':[]}
def __init__(self, filename): """ Constructor. @ In, filename, the filename of POEM input @ Out, None """
[docs] self._inputFile = filename
self._inputRoot, _ = xmlUtils.loadToTree(filename) # store the root of ET tree of POEM input
[docs] self._filenameRoot = os.path.split(filename)[-1]
[docs] self._inputVarList = [] # user provided input variable list
[docs] self._outputVarList = []
[docs] self._externalModelList = []
[docs] self._externalModelInputDict = {} # dictionary stores the inputs for each external model i.e. {externalModelName: list of inputs}
[docs] self._externalModelOutputDict = {} # dictionary stores the outputs for each external model i.e. {externalModelName: list of outputs}
[docs] self._distList = [] # list of constructed Distributions (ET element)
[docs] self._samplerList = [] # list of constructed sampled variables (ET element)
[docs] self._ensembleModelList = [] # list of constructed models that are connected by EnsembleModel (ET element)
[docs] self._dsList = [] # list of constructed data objects that are used for EnsembleModel (ET element)
[docs] self._printList = [] # list of constructed output streams (ET element)
[docs] self._variableGroupsList = [] # list of constructed variable groups (ET element)
[docs] self._inputDict = {} # dictionary stores the user provided information, constructed from self._miscDict
[docs] self._pivot = 'time'
[docs] self._limit = 1000
[docs] self._initSamples = 20
[docs] self._templateFile = None
[docs] self._analysisType = None
[docs] self._ravenNodeDict = {}
[docs] self._statsPrefix = ['skewness', 'variationCoefficient', 'mean', 'kurtosis', 'median', 'max', 'min', 'var', 'sigma']
[docs] self._statsVectorPrefix = ['nsen', 'sen', 'pearson', 'cov', 'vsen', 'spearman']
[docs] self._polynomialOrder = '2'
[docs] self._sparseGridData = None
[docs] self._data = None
[docs] self._expTargets = None
[docs] self._expCov = None
[docs] self._dynamic = False
[docs] self._initInputs = None
[docs] self._globalSettings = {}
[docs] self._restartTol = 1.0E-2
[docs] self._miscDict = {'AnalysisType':'required', 'limit':self._limit, 'Inputs':'required', 'Outputs':'required', 'pivot':self._pivot, 'PolynomialOrder':self._polynomialOrder, 'SparseGridData':self._sparseGridData, 'data': self._data, 'expTargets': self._expTargets, 'expCov': self._expCov, 'InitialInputs': self._initInputs, 'dynamic':self._dynamic, 'SparseGridDataTol':self._restartTol} # dictionary stores some default values and required inputs
[docs] def getTemplateFile(self): """ """ return self._templateFile
[docs] def getOutput(self): """ get the processed outputs from this class: PoemTemplateInterface @ In, None @ Out, (outputDict, miscDict), tuple, first dictionary contains the whole element that need to be appended in the templated input, while the second dictionary contains only the values that need to be replaced. """ miscDict = {'limit': self._limit, 'pivotParameter':self._pivot, 'PolynomialOrder':self._polynomialOrder} return self._ravenNodeDict, miscDict
[docs] def readInput(self): """ Read the POEM input files, and construct corresponding ET elements @ In, None @ Out, None """"Start to process input file with root node: %s", self._inputRoot.tag) # process RunInfo globalSettings = self.findRequiredNode(self._inputRoot, 'GlobalSettings') self.readGlobalSettings(globalSettings) if self._dynamic: self._templateFile = templateConfig['templates'][self._analysisType+'_dynamic'] else: self._templateFile = templateConfig['templates'][self._analysisType] # requiredNode = self.analysisRequired[self._analysisType] optionalNode = self.analysisOptions[self._analysisType] for node in requiredNode: xml = self.findRequiredNode(self._inputRoot, node) if xml is None: continue if node not in self._ravenNodeDict: self._ravenNodeDict[node] = [subnode for subnode in xml] else: raise IOError(f"Duplicate nodes are found in the input file {self._inputFile}") for node in optionalNode: xml = self._inputRoot.find(node) if xml is not None: self._ravenNodeDict[node] = [subnode for subnode in xml] if self._dynamic and self._analysisType in ['bayesian_optimization']: raise IOError('Not implemented for dynamic bayesian optimization yet!') ###################### # Build the common blocks inputGroup = self.buildVariableGroup('inputGroup', self._inputVarList) self._variableGroupsList.append(inputGroup) if self._dynamic: outputGroup = self.buildVariableGroup('outputGroup', self._outputVarList+[self._pivot]) else: outputGroup = self.buildVariableGroup('outputGroup', self._outputVarList) self._variableGroupsList.append(outputGroup) if self._analysisType == 'sensitivity': statsGroup = self.buildStatsGroup("statsGroup", self._inputVarList, self._outputVarList) self._variableGroupsList.append(statsGroup) if self._dynamic: outStatGroup = self.buildVariableGroup('outputGroup_stat', self._outputVarList) self._variableGroupsList.append(outStatGroup) self._ravenNodeDict['VariableGroups'] = self._variableGroupsList # build Monte Carlo Sampler limit = self._limit if self._analysisType in ['lhs', 'train_rom', 'bayesian_optimization']: if self._analysisType in ['bayesian_optimization']: limit = self._initSamples sampledVars = self.buildSamplerVariable(self._inputVarList, self._ravenNodeDict['Distributions'], limit=limit, grid=True) else: sampledVars = self.buildSamplerVariable(self._inputVarList, self._ravenNodeDict['Distributions']) if self._analysisType in ['sensitivity', 'sparse_grid_rom', 'mc']: mcNode = self.buildMonteCarloSampler('Sampler', self._limit) mcNode.extend(sampledVars) self._ravenNodeDict['Samplers'] = [mcNode] elif self._analysisType in ['lhs', 'train_rom', 'bayesian_optimization']: lhsNode = xmlUtils.newNode(tag='Stratified', attrib={'name':'Sampler'}) lhsNode.extend(sampledVars) self._ravenNodeDict['Samplers'] = [lhsNode] if self._analysisType in ['sparse_grid_construction', 'sparse_grid_rom']: sparseGridNode = self.buildSparseGridSampler('SparseGrid') sparseGridNode.extend(sampledVars) if 'Samplers' not in self._ravenNodeDict: self._ravenNodeDict['Samplers'] = [sparseGridNode] else: self._ravenNodeDict['Samplers'].append(sparseGridNode) # build MultiRun Input if 'Files' in self._ravenNodeDict: filesList = self._ravenNodeDict['Files'] files = [inp.attrib['name'] for inp in filesList] inputNodes = [] for fname in files: inputNodes.append(xmlUtils.newNode(tag='Input', attrib={'class':'Files', 'type':''}, text=fname)) self._ravenNodeDict['MultiRun'] = inputNodes if self._analysisType in ['sparse_grid_rom']: if self._sparseGridData is None: raise IOError('SparseGridData is required, please specify it in "GlobalSettings"') inputNode = xmlUtils.newNode(tag='Input', attrib={'name':'SparseGrid_data', 'type':''}, text=self._sparseGridData) if 'Files' not in self._ravenNodeDict: self._ravenNodeDict['Files'] = [inputNode] else: self._ravenNodeDict['Files'].append(inputNode) if self._analysisType in ['train_rom', 'bayesian_optimization']: if self._data is None: raise IOError('Training data is required, please specify it in "GlobalSettings" using subnode "data"') inputNode = xmlUtils.newNode(tag='Input', attrib={'name':'training_data', 'type':''}, text=self._data) if 'Files' not in self._ravenNodeDict: self._ravenNodeDict['Files'] = [inputNode] else: self._ravenNodeDict['Files'].append(inputNode) # build 'bayesian_optimization' if self._analysisType in ['bayesian_optimization']: bayOptNodes = [] if len(self._outputVarList) > 1: raise IOError(f'Bayesian optimization currently only work with single objective, but got {self._outputVarList}') optVars = self.buildSamplerVariable(self._inputVarList, self._ravenNodeDict['Distributions']) bayOptNodes.extend(optVars) bayOptNodes.append(xmlUtils.newNode(tag='objective', text=self._outputVarList[0])) samplerInit = xmlUtils.newNode(tag='samplerInit') samplerInit.append(xmlUtils.newNode(tag='limit', text=self._limit)) bayOptNodes.append(samplerInit) if 'Functions' in self._ravenNodeDict: funList = self._ravenNodeDict['Functions'] for fun in funList: bayOptNodes.append(xmlUtils.newNode(tag='Constraint', attrib={'class':'Functions', 'type':'External'}, text=fun.attrib.get('name'))) self._ravenNodeDict['BayesianOptimizer'] = bayOptNodes # build model_calibration if self._analysisType in ['model_calibration']: calibNode = [] varList = self.buildSamplerVariable(self._inputVarList, self._ravenNodeDict['Distributions'], init=self._initInputs) calibNode.extend(varList) self._ravenNodeDict['AdaptiveMetropolis'] = calibNode self.checkInput()
[docs] def readGlobalSettings(self, xmlNode): """ Read the RunInfo XML node from the input root @ In, xmlNode, xml.etree.ElementTree.Element, the input root xml @ Out, None """"Start to read 'GlobalSettings' node") for key, val in self._miscDict.items(): if val == 'required': node = self.findRequiredNode(xmlNode, key) self._globalSettings[key] = node.text else: try: node = self.findRequiredNode(xmlNode, key) self._globalSettings[key] = node.text except IOError: pass self._analysisType = self._globalSettings['AnalysisType'].strip().lower() self._inputVarList = poemUtils.convertNodeTextToList(self._globalSettings['Inputs']) self._outputVarList = poemUtils.convertNodeTextToList(self._globalSettings['Outputs']) if 'InitialInputs' in self._globalSettings: self._initInputs = poemUtils.convertNodeTextToFloatList(self._globalSettings['InitialInputs']) self._pivot = self._globalSettings.get('pivot', self._pivot) self._limit = self._globalSettings.get('limit', self._limit) if 'dynamic' in self._globalSettings: self._dynamic = poemUtils.convertStringToBool(self._globalSettings.get('dynamic')) self._polynomialOrder = self._globalSettings.get('PolynomialOrder', self._polynomialOrder) self._sparseGridData = self._globalSettings.get('SparseGridData', self._sparseGridData) self._data = self._globalSettings.get('data', self._data) self._restartTol = self._globalSettings.get('SparseGridDataTol', self._restartTol) if self._analysisType not in self.validAnalysis: raise IOError(f'Invalid analysis type "{self._analysisType}" provided, please choose one of "{self.validAnalysis}" instead.') self._miscDict.update(self._globalSettings)
[docs] def checkInput(self): """ Check the consistency of user provided inputs @ In, None @ Out, None """"Checking the consistency of user provided input")
[docs] def buildPointSet(name, inputs, outputs): """ Build single PointSet XML node @ In, name, str, the name for the PointSet @ In, inputs, str, string that contains the list of input variables @ In, outputs, str, string that contains the list of output variables @ out, pointSet, xml.etree.ElementTree.Element, the constructed PointSet XML node """ pointSet = xmlUtils.newNode(tag='PointSet', attrib={'name':name}) pointSet.append(xmlUtils.newNode(tag='Input', text=inputs)) pointSet.append(xmlUtils.newNode(tag='Output', text=outputs)) return pointSet
[docs] def buildHistorySet(name, inputs, outputs, pivot="time"): """ Build single HistorySet XML node @ In, name, str, the name for the PointSet @ In, inputs, str, string that contains the list of input variables @ In, outputs, str, string that contains the list of output variables @ out, historySet, xml.etree.ElementTree.Element, the constructed HistorySet XML node """ historySet = xmlUtils.newNode(tag='HistorySet', attrib={'name':name}) historySet.append(xmlUtils.newNode(tag='Input', text=inputs)) historySet.append(xmlUtils.newNode(tag='Output', text=outputs)) options = xmlUtils.newNode(tag='options') options.append(xmlUtils.newNode(tag='pivotParameter', text=pivot)) historySet.append(options) return historySet
[docs] def buildPrint(name, source): """ Build single OutStream Print XML node @ In, name, str, the name for the PointSet @ In, source, str, string that contains name of Data Object @ out, printObj, xml.etree.ElementTree.Element, the constructed print XML node """ printObj = xmlUtils.newNode(tag='Print', attrib={'name':name}) printObj.append(xmlUtils.newNode(tag='type', text='csv')) printObj.append(xmlUtils.newNode(tag='source', text=source)) printObj.append(xmlUtils.newNode(tag='what', text='input,output')) return printObj
[docs] def buildSamplerVariable(self, inputs, distNode, limit=20, grid=False, init=None): """ build the sampler variable block """ varDistList = [] varNodeList = [] for subnode in distNode: varDistList.append(subnode.attrib['name']) for i, inp in enumerate(inputs): if inp not in varDistList: raise IOError(f'Distribution of variable {inp} is not defined in <Distribution> block!') varNode = xmlUtils.newNode(tag='variable', attrib={'name':inp}) varNode.append(xmlUtils.newNode(tag='distribution', text=inp)) if init: varNode.append(xmlUtils.newNode(tag='initial', text=str(init[i]))) if grid: varNode.append(xmlUtils.newNode(tag='grid', attrib={'construction':'equal', 'steps':limit, 'type':'CDF'}, text='0.0 1.0')) varNodeList.append(varNode) return varNodeList
# @staticmethod
[docs] def buildSparseGridSampler(self, name='SparseGrid'): """ """ sgNode = xmlUtils.newNode(tag='SparseGridCollocation', attrib={'name':name}) sgNode.append(xmlUtils.newNode(tag='ROM', attrib={'class':'Models', 'type':'ROM'}, text='SparseGridRom')) if self._analysisType in ['sparse_grid_rom']: sgNode.append(xmlUtils.newNode(tag='restartTolerance', text=self._restartTol)) if not self._dynamic: sgNode.append(xmlUtils.newNode(tag='Restart', attrib={'class':'DataObjects', 'type':'PointSet'}, text='outGrid')) else: sgNode.append(xmlUtils.newNode(tag='Restart', attrib={'class':'DataObjects', 'type':'HistorySet'}, text='outGrid')) return sgNode
[docs] def buildMonteCarloSampler(name, limit): """ """ mcNode = xmlUtils.newNode(tag='MonteCarlo', attrib={'name':name}) samplerInit = xmlUtils.newNode(tag='samplerInit') samplerInit.append(xmlUtils.newNode(tag='limit', text=limit)) mcNode.append(samplerInit) return mcNode
[docs] def buildVariableGroup(name, varList): """ Build variable group node @ In, name, str, the name for the variable group @ In, varList, list, list of variables @ out, group, xml.etree.ElementTree.Element, the constructed variable group XML node """ if isinstance(varList, str): text = vars elif isinstance(varList, list): text = ','.join(varList) else: raise IOError(f'Can not accept input "{varList}" with type {type(varList)}, only accept "str" or "list"!') group = xmlUtils.newNode(tag='Group', attrib={'name':name}, text=text) return group
[docs] def buildStatsGroup(self, name, inputs, outputs): """ Build basic statistic variable group node @ In, name, str, the name for the variable group @ In, inputs, list, list of input variables @ In, outputs, list, list of output variables @ out, group, xml.etree.ElementTree.Element, the constructed variable group XML node """ varList = [] for prefix in self._statsPrefix: varList.extend([prefix+"_"+out for out in outputs]) for prefix in self._statsVectorPrefix: for out in outputs: varList.extend([prefix+"_"+out+"_"+inp for inp in inputs]) group = self.buildVariableGroup(name, varList) return group
[docs] def findRequiredNode(xmlNode, nodeTag): """ Find the required xml node @ In, xmlNode, xml.etree.ElementTree.Element, xml element node @ In, nodeTag, str, node tag that is used to find the node @ Out, subnode, xml.etree.ElementTree.Element, xml element node """ subnode = xmlNode.find(nodeTag) if subnode is None and nodeTag not in ['RunInfo', 'Files']: raise IOError('Required node ' + nodeTag + ' is not found in the input file!') return subnode