Quick Start

Input Structure

POEM utilizes XML to define its input structure. The main input blocks are as follows:

Simulation block

The root node containing the entire input, all of the following blocks fit inside the Simulation block










GlobalSettings block

Specifies the global settings for the calculations. For example:

  <!-- Required Nodes -->
  <Inputs>x, y</Inputs>

  <!-- Optional Nodes -->

  <!-- Optional Nodes, uses for certain analysis -->
  <InitialInputs>0.1, 4.0, -1.0</InitialInputs>

In general, this block accepts the following subnodes:

  • Required Nodes

    • AnalysisType: The type of analysis, it accepts the following keywords:

      • mc: Simple Monte Carlo analysis for given model. See Monte Carlo Sampling.

      • lhs: Sample given model using Latin Hyper-cube Sampling (LHS) strategy. See Latin Hypercube Sampling.

      • sensitivity: Perform sensitivity analysis for given model. The mean, variance, 95/95 percentile, correlation, spearman correlation, sensitivity coefficients, etc. will be computed. See Sensitivity Analysis.

      • sparse_grid_construction: Generate sparse grid locations to guide experiments. These locations can be used to efficiently construct high-order Gaussian Polynomial Chaos surrogate model. See Generate Sparse Grid Locations.

      • sparse_grid_rom: Train a multi-variate high-order Gaussian Polynomial Chaos ROM/surrogate based on user provided experimental data. See Train ROM.

      • train_rom: Train a Gaussian Process ROM based on user provided data. See Train ROM.

      • bayesian_optimization: Perform Bayesian optimization based on user provided data and simulation model. See Bayesian Optimization.

      • model_calibration: Perform model calibration utilizing Bayesian inference based on user provided data and simulation model. See Model Calibration.

    • limit: The total number of model executions or the number of samples to generate.

    • Inputs: The list of input variables

    • Outputs: The list of output variables. If no output variables, OutputPlaceHolder can be used.

  • Optional Nodes

    • dynamic: True if the user wants to perform time-dependent analysis, such as time-dependent ROM construction, sensitivity analysis, model calibration etc.

    • pivot: Required if dynamic is True. The pivot variable for dynamic analysis. Default is time.

  • Optional Nodes for Certain Analysis

    • SparseGridData: The experimental data that can be used to train Gaussian Polynomial Chaos ROM. Only used by sparse_grid_construction and sparse_grid_rom.

    • PolynomialOrder: The highest order for the Gaussian Polynomial Chaos ROM. Only used by sparse_grid_construction and sparse_grid_rom

    • data: The experimental data that can be used to train Gaussian Process ROM. Only used by train_rom and bayesian_optimization.

    • InitialInputs: The initial values for the input variables listed by <Inputs> in the <GlobalSettings>

RunInfo block

Specifies the calculation settings (woring directory, number of parallel simulations, etc.)


In general, this block accepts the following subnodes:

  • WorkingDir: specifies the absolute or relative path to a directory that will store all the results of the calculations.

  • batchSize: specifies the number of parallel executed simultaneously.

  • JobName: specifies the name to use for the job when submitting to a pbs queue.

RunInfo for Cluster Usage

  <clusterParameters>-W block=true</clusterParameters>
  <NodeParameter> </NodeParameter>

Files block

Specifies the files to be used for the <Models> block as input. Users can specify as many input files as they need, and utilize <Input> node to specify the name, and the path/to/file.

  <Input name="sauq" type="">../../models/sauq.m</Input>
  <Input name="rt" type="">../../models/RateTheory.m</Input>
  <Input name="kc" type="">../../models/KlemensCallawayModel.m</Input>

Distributions block

POEM leverages RAVEN (https://github.com/idaholab/raven) input structure to build customized workflows for model explorations and optimal experiment design. In this case, POEM provides support for all the probability distributions available in RAVEN. The following are the example for the Distributions block.

  <Uniform name='x'>
  <Uniform name='y'>

In this block, the users need to define distribution for each variables listed in GlobalSettings Inputs node, and name for the distribution should match the variable name listed under <GlobalSettings><Inputs>VariableList</Inputs></GlobalSettings>.

Models block

Similar to <Distributions> block, POEM leverages RAVEN (https://github.com/idaholab/raven) <Models> input structure. In this case, POEM provides support for all the models available in RAVEN. The following are the example for the Models block.

  <ExternalModel ModuleToLoad="../../models/mishraBirdConstrained.py" name="mishra" subType="">
    <inputs>x, y</inputs>

As the name suggests, an external model is an entity that is embedded at run time. This object allows the user to create a python module that is going to be treated as a predefined internal model object.

The specifications of an External Model must be defined within the XML block <ExternalModel>. This blocks accepts the following subnodes:

  • inputs: Each variable name needs to match a variable used/defined in the external python model.

  • outputs: Each variable name needs to match a variable used/defined in the external python model.

Each variable defined in the <ExternalModel> <inputs> and <outputs> block is available in the module (each method implemented) as a python self. member.

Functions block

POEM leverages RAVEN (https://github.com/idaholab/raven) <Functions> input structure. In this case, POEM provides support for the usage of user-defined external functions. These functions are python modules, with a format is automatically interpretable by RAVEN software.

The following are the example for the Functions block.

  <External file="../../models/mishraBirdConstrained.py" name="constraint1">

In this section, the XML input syntax and the format of the accepted functions are fully specified. The specifications of an external function must be defined within the XML <External> block. This XML node requires the following attributes:

  • name: user-defined name of this function.

  • file: absolute or relative path specifying the code associated to this function.

In order to make the code aware of the variables the user is going to manipulate/use in her/his own python function, the variables need to be specified in the <variables> subnode input block. The user needs to input, within this block, only the variables directly used by the external function.

When the external function variables are defined, at runtime, the code initializes them and keeps track of their values during the simulation. Each variable defined in the <variables> block is available in the function as a python self. member. In the following, an example of a user-defined external function is reported. The method evaluate needs to be defined in the function file.

def evaluate(self):
  return self.a * self.c

LikelihoodModel block for Model Calibration

This node is only used by model calibration analysis. An example is presented:

  <expTargets shape="1,50" computeCov='False' correlation='False'>
    -1.16074224 -1.10303445 -1.02830511 -0.89782965 -0.73765453 -0.7989537
     -0.86163706 -1.02209944 -1.12444044 -1.23657398 -1.16081758 -1.01219869
     -0.890747   -0.80444122 -0.70893668 -0.61012531 -0.65670863 -0.6768583
     -0.74732441 -0.81448647 -0.73232671 -0.54989334 -0.39796749 -0.07894291
      0.13067378  0.28999998  0.27418965  0.313329    0.32306704  0.2885684
      0.32736775  0.52458854  0.69446572  0.82419521  1.04393683  1.00435818
      1.0810376   0.97245373  0.82406522  0.76067559  0.70145544  0.79479965
      0.88035895  0.97750307  1.11524353  1.17159017  1.18299222  1.07255006
      1.02835909  0.90784132
  <expCov diag="True">
       0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02,
       0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02,
       0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02,
       0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02,
       0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02
  <!-- <biasTargets></biasTargets>
  <biasCov diag="False"></biasCov> -->
  <!-- <romCov diag="True"></romCov> -->

The <LikelihoodModel> node accepts the following subnodes:

  • simTargets: Targets of simulations that are used in the calibration.

  • expTargets: Targets of experiments that are used in the calibration. Either variables or list of values. This node accepts the following attributes:

    • shape: determine the number of targets and the number of experimental observations for each targets. For example, shape="3,2" will indicate 2 targets and 3 observations for each targets. While shape="10" will indicate one target with 10 observations. Omitting this optional attribute will result a single target with multiple observations instead.

    • computeCov: Indicate whether the experiment covariance matrix is provided or computed based on given experiment observations. If True, we will compute the covariance based on given observations, else, the user need to provide the covariance matrix.

    • correlation: Indicate whether the targets are correlated or not. If True, and compute is True, we will compute the covariance matrix, elif False and compute is True, we will only compute the variance of each target.

  • expCov: Experiment covariance, i.e. measurement noise. This node accepts the following attribute:

    • diag: If True, only variance for each target is required to provide, else, the user need to provide the full covariance matrix.

  • biasTargets: Model uncertainty/discrepancy/bias/error in Targets that are used in calibration

  • biasCov: Model covariance, model bias/discrepancy or model inadequacy caused by missing physics or numerical approximation. This node accepts the following attribute:

    • diag: If True, only variance for each target is required to provide, else, the user need to provide the full covariance matrix.

  • romCov: Model uncertainty caused by surrogate model, such as interpolation. This node accepts the following attribute:

    • diag: If True, only variance for each target is required to provide, else, the user need to provide the full covariance matrix.

  • reduction: Allows reduction on likelihood model construction. This node accepts the following attributes:

    • type: The method used for reduction, default is PCA

    • basis: user provided basis vector for reduction

    • shape: determine the basis vectors for reduction. For example, shape="10,2" will indicate 2 basis vectors with dimension 10