# Copyright 2024, Battelle Energy Alliance, LLC All Rights Reserved
Created on April 1, 2024
@author: wangc
#External Modules------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
import logging
#External Modules End--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]def convertNodeTextToList(nodeText, sep=None):
Convert space or comma separated string to list of string
@ In, nodeText, str, string from xml node text
@ Out, listData, list, list of strings
listData = None
if sep is None:
if ',' in nodeText:
listData = list(elem.strip() for elem in nodeText.split(','))
listData = list(elem.strip() for elem in nodeText.split())
listData = list(elem.strip() for elem in nodeText.split(sep))
return listData
[docs]def convertNodeTextToFloatList(nodeText, sep=None):
Convert space or comma separated string to list of float
@ In, nodeText, str, string from xml node text
@ Out, listData, list, list of floats
listData = None
if sep is None:
if ',' in nodeText:
listData = list(float(elem) for elem in nodeText.split(','))
listData = list(float(elem) for elem in nodeText.split())
listData = list(elem.strip() for elem in nodeText.split(sep))
return listData
[docs]def convertStringToFloat(xmlNode):
Convert xml node text to float
@ In, xmlNode, xml.etree.ElementTree.Element, xml element
@ Out, val, float, value of xml element text
val = float(xmlNode.text)
return val
except (ValueError,TypeError):
raise IOError('Real value is required for content of node %s, but got %s' %(node.tag, node.text))
[docs]def convertStringToInt(xmlNode):
Convert xml node text to integer.
@ In, xmlNode, xml.etree.ElementTree.Element, xml element
@ Out, val, integer, value of xml element text
val = int(xmlNode.text)
return val
except (ValueError,TypeError):
raise IOError('Integer value is required for content of node %s, but got %s' %(node.tag, node.text))
[docs]def toString(s):
Method aimed to convert a string in type str
@ In, s, string, string to be converted
@ Out, s, string, the casted value
if type(s) == type(""):
return s
return s.decode()
[docs]def convertStringToBool(nodeText):
Convert string to bool
@ In, nodeText, str, string from xml node text
@ Out, val, bool, True or False
stringsThatMeanTrue = list(['yes','y','true','t','on'])
val = False
if nodeText.lower() in stringsThatMeanTrue:
val = True
return val