Source code for src._utils

# Copyright 2024, Battelle Energy Alliance, LLC All Rights Reserved
  utilities for use within POEM
import os
from os import path
import sys
import importlib
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import shutil
import platform

[docs]def get_raven_loc(): """ Return RAVEN location: read from POEM/.ravenconfig.xml @ In, None @ Out, loc, string, absolute location of RAVEN """ try: import ravenframework if shutil.which('raven_framework') is not None: return path.dirname(ravenframework.__path__[0]), 'raven_framework' except ModuleNotFoundError: pass config = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),'..', '.ravenconfig.xml')) if not os.path.isfile(config): raise IOError('POEM config file not found at "{}"! Has POEM been installed as a plugin in a RAVEN installation?' .format(config)) loc = ET.parse(config).getroot().find('FrameworkLocation') assert loc is not None and loc.text is not None ravenPath = path.abspath(path.dirname(loc.text)) ravenExec = os.path.join(ravenPath, 'raven_framework') if shutil.which(ravenExec) is None: raise IOError(f'Executable for RAVEN is not available at: {ravenExec}') return ravenPath, ravenExec
[docs]def get_plugin_loc(plugin, raven_path=None): """ Get plugin location in installed RAVEN @ In, plugin, string, the plugin name @ In, raven_path, string, optional, if given then start with this path @ Out, plugin_loc, string, location of plugin """ if plugin == 'POEM': return path.abspath(path.join(__file__, '..', '..')) else: if raven_path is None: raven_path = get_raven_loc() plugin_handler_dir = os.path.join(raven_path, '..', 'scripts') sys.path.append(plugin_handler_dir) plugin_handler = importlib.import_module('plugin_handler') sys.path.pop() plugin_loc = plugin_handler.getPluginLocation(plugin) return plugin_loc
if __name__ == '__main__':
[docs] argvs = sys.argv[1:]
if len(argvs) == 0: raise IOError('No action is provided, please use "get_raven_loc" or "get_plugin_loc" for command line argument.') action = None plugin = None if len(argvs) < 2: action = argvs[0] else: action, plugin = argvs[0], argvs[1] if action == 'get_raven_loc': print(get_raven_loc()) elif action == 'get_plugin_loc' and plugin is not None: print(get_plugin_loc(plugin)) else: raise IOError('Unrecognized action: "{}"'.format(action))
[docs]def getOperatingSystem(): """ Determine the operating system in use. @ Out, os, str, name of operating system class """ osName = platform.system().lower() if osName in ['linux', 'linux-gnu']: return 'linux' elif osName in ['windows', 'msys', 'cygwin']: return 'windows' elif osName in ['darwin']: return 'mac' else: raise TypeError('Unrecognized platform system: "{}"'.format(osName))