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'blk': 'block', 'bof': 'bottom of foundation', 'bom': 'bill of materials', 'bord': 'border', 'bot': 'bottom', 'bp': 'blueprint', 'brg': 'bearing', 'brz': 'bronze', 'bsc': 'basic', 'btm': 'bottom', 'btw': 'between', 'btwn': 'between', 'bw': 'both ways', 'c-c': 'center to center', 'c/o': 'care of', 'cad': 'computer-aided design', 'cal': 'calibration', 'calib': 'calibration', 'calibr': 'calibration', 'cap': 'capacity', 'cat': 'category', 'catal': 'catalogue', 'cda': 'current design activity', 'cent': 'centrifugal', 'centrif': 'centrifugal', 'cert': 'certificate', 'certif': 'certificate', 'cfw': 'continuous fillet weld', 'ch': 'channel', 'cham': 'chamfer', 'chamb': 'chamber', 'chan': 'channel', 'chann': 'channel', 'chap': 'chapter', 'chem': 'chemistry', 'circ': 'circulation', 'cl': 'center line', 'classif': 'classification', 'clr': 'clearance', 'cmu': 'cement masonry unit', 'cndct': 'conductivity', 'cntmnt': 'containment', 'cntmt': 'containment', 'coef ': 'coefficient', 'coeff': 'coefficient', 'col': 'column', 'comb': 'combination', 'comm': 'communications', 'comms': 'communications', 'communic': 'communication', 'comp': 'composite', 'conc': 'concentration', 'concent': 'concentration', 'concr': 'concrete', 'cond': 'conduct', 'conn': 'connection', 'const': 'constant', 'cont': 'continuous', 'coupl': 'coupling', 'cr': 'controlled radius', 'crnr': 'corner', 'ct': 'controller', 'ctmt': 'containment', 'ctr': 'center ', 'ctrl': 'control', 'cvr': 'cover', 'cyl': 'cylinder', 'dec': 'december', 'decon': 'decontamination', 'def': 'definition', 'dept': 'department', 'descr': 'description', 'det': 'determine', 'determ': 'determine', 'dia': 'diameter ', 'diam': 'diameter', 'diaph': 'diaphragm', 'dir': 'directorate', 'discov': 'discovery', 'disp': 'displacement', 'displ': 'displacement', 'distill': 'distillation', 'diy': 'do it yourself', 'dn': 'diameter nominal', 'doz': 'dozen', 'dp': 'downpipe', 'dwg': 'drawing', 'econ': 'economic', 'eff': 'efficiency', 'elec ': 'electrical', 'electr': 'electric', 'elem': 'element', 'elev': 'elevation', 'elv': 'elevation', 'eng': 'engineer', 'engin': 'engineering', 'engr': 'engineer', 'engrg': 'engineering', 'eq ': 'equal', 'eql': 'equal', 'equip': 'equipment', 'equiv': 'equivalent', 'esp': 'especially', 'est': 'established', 'establ': 'established', 'eta': 'estimated time of arrival', 'etc': 'etcetera', 'evid': 'evidence', 'ew': 'each way', 'exec': 'execution', 'expl': 'explanation', 'explan': 'explanation', 'ext': 'external', 'fam': 'familiar', 'famil': 'familiar', 'feb': 'february', 'fig': 'figure', 'fitt': 'fitting', 'fl': 'fluid', 'flg': 'flange', 'flng': 'flange', 'flnge': 'flange', 'flngs': 'flanges', 'fob': 'free on board', 'fos': 'factor of safety', 'freq': 'frequency', 'fs': 'far side', 'fsbw': 'full strength butt weld', 'ftg': 'fitting', 'ftp': 'file transfer protocol', 'fut': 'future', 'fw': 'feedwater', 'galv': 'galvanized', 'gen': 'general', 'geo': 'geography', 'geog': 'geography', 'gloss': 'glossary', 'gn': 'general note', 'gov': 'government', 'govt': 'government', 'hd': 'head', 'hex': 'hexagon', 'hist ': 'historical', 'hor': 'horizontal', 'horiz': 'horizontal', 'hp': 'high pressure', 'hr': 'human resources', 'hs': 'high strength', 'hw': 'hardware', 'hyd': 'hydraulic', 'hydr': 'hydraulic', 'hydr ': 'hydraulic', 'hydraul': 'hydraulic', 'i/o': 'input and output', 'iaw': 'in accordance with', 'id': 'indentity', 'imit': 'imitation', 'imp': 'implementation', 'impf': 'imperfect', 'impr': 'improved', 'ind': 'induction', 'indef': 'indefinite', 'indic': 'indicator', 'indir': 'indirect', 'indust': 'industrial', 'industr': 'industrial', 'inf': 'infinite', 'infl': 'influence', 'inj': 'injection', 'inorg': 'inorganic', 'inq': 'inquiry', 'insp': 'inspection', 'inspec': 'inspection', 'inst': 'instrumental', 'instl': 'install', 'instr': 'instruction', 'insul': 'insulation', 'int ': 'internal', 'interj': 'interjection', 'intl': 'internal', 'intro': 'introduction', 'introd': 'introduction', 'inv': 'inverter', 'io': 'inspection opening', 'jan': 'jannuary', 'jt': 'joint', 'junc': 'junction', 'kj': 'key joint', 'lab': 'laboratory', 'lf': 'left hand', 'lg': 'length', 'lh': 'left hand', 'lhs': 'left hand side', 'lm': 'list of material', 'ln': 'line', 'lp': 'low pressure', 'm/c': 'machine', 'mach': 'machine', 'mag': 'magnetic', 'magn': 'magnetic', 'maj': 'major', 'man': 'manual', 'matl': 'material', 'max': 'maximum', 'mbp': 'measurement between pins', 'mbw': 'measurement between wires', 'meas': 'measure', 'measurem': 'measurement', 'mech': 'mechanical', 'mem': 'memory', 'metall': 'metallurgy', 'meth': 'method', 'mf': 'make from', 'mfd': 'manufactured', 'mfg': 'manufacturing', 'mfr': 'manufacturer', 'mgmt': 'management', 'mgt': 'management', 'min': 'minimum', 'misc': 'miscellaneous', 'mngmnt': 'management', 'mngmt': 'management', 'mngt': 'management', 'mod': 'modification', 'mom': 'moment', 'mop': 'measurement between pins', 'mow': 'measurement between wires', 'mrp': 'material requirements planning', 'ms': 'mild steep', 'mtg': 'meeting', 'nat': 'natural', 'nc': 'numerical control', 'ncm': 'nonconforming material', 'ncr': 'nonconformance report', 'ne': 'north-east', 'neg': 'negative', 'net': 'network', 'nl': 'note list', 'no': 'number', 'nom': 'nominal', 'norm': 'normalized', 'normd': 'normalized', 'nov': 'November', 'noz': 'nozzle', 'npr': 'new product release', 'ns': 'nominal size', 'nts': 'not to scale', 'nuc': 'nuclear', 'nucl': 'nuclear', 'nw': 'north-west', 'obj': 'object', 'Obs': 'observation', 'obs': 'observe', 'observ': 'observation', 'obsrv': 'observe', 'occ': 'occurrence', 'occas': 'occasionally', 'occurr': 'occurrence', 'oct': 'octagon', 'od': 'outer diameter', 'op': 'operation', 'oper': 'operator', 'opp': 'opposed', 'ops': 'operations', 'opt': 'option', 'ord': 'order', 'org': 'organization', 'orig': 'original', 'parab': 'parabolic', 'patt': 'pattern', 'pc ': 'piece', 'pcd': 'pitch circle diameter', 'pck': 'pack', 'pcs': 'pieces', 'perf': 'perform', 'perh': 'perhaps', 'period': 'periodic', 'pers': 'personal', 'pfc': 'parallel flange channel', 'pl': 'plural', 'plm': 'plant lifecycle management', 'plur': 'plural', 'pmp': 'pump', 'pn': 'part number', 'poi': 'point of intersection', 'pop': 'popular', 'pos': 'positive', 'posn': 'position', 'pract': 'practice', 'pred': 'prediction', 'predic': 'prediction', 'predict': 'prediction', 'pref': 'prefix', 'prep': 'prepare', 'preps': 'preparations', 'pres': 'pressure', 'press': 'pressure', 'prob': 'probably', 'probab': 'probability', 'probl': 'problem', 'prog': 'progress', 'prop': 'property', 'prox': 'proximity', 'pwr': 'power', 'pzr': 'pressurizer', 'qc': 'quality control', 'qnty': 'quantity', 'qty': 'quantity', 'rad': 'radiation', 'rd': 'round', 'reas': 'reason', 'rec': 'recirculation', 'recirc': 'recirculation', 'rect': 'rectangular', 'red': 'reduce', 'ref': 'reference', 'refr': 'reference', 'refurb': 'refurbish', 'regist': 'register', 'regr': 'regression', 'reinf': 'reinforcement', 'reinf ': 'reinforce ', 'reinst': 'reinstall', 'rel': 'relative', 'remv': 'remove', 'rep': 'report', 'repck': 'repack', 'rept': 'report', 'req': 'required', 'reqd': 'required', 'res': 'research', 'resrvr': 'reservoir', 'reterm': 'retermination', 'rev': 'revised', 'rh': 'right hand ', 'rhs': 'right hand side', 'rms': 'root mean square', 'rmv': 'remove', 'rnd': 'round', 'rsvr': 'reservoir', 'rx': 'reactor', 's/g': 'steam generator', 'sec': 'security', 'sect': 'section', 'sel': 'selected', 'select': 'selection', 'sens': 'sensor', 'sept': 'september', 'sg': 'steam generator', 'sh': 'sheet', 'shcs': 'socket head cap screw', 'shss': 'socket head set screw', 'shwn': 'shown', 'sim': 'simulation', 'sk': 'sketch', 'sn': 'serial number', 'spec': 'specimen', 'sq': 'square', 'ss': 'stainless steel', 'stat': 'statistical', 'statist': 'statistical', 'std': 'standard', 'stdrd': 'standard', 'stk': 'stock', 'str': 'strong', 'struct': 'structural', 'subj': 'subject', 'supp': 'suppression', 'suppress': 'suppression', 'surf': 'surface', 'surv': 'survey', 'susp': 'suspension', 'sw': 'switchyard', 'swch': 'switch', 'symm': 'symmetry', 'sys': 'system', 'syst': 'system', 'tc': 'tungsten carbide', 'tdp': 'technical data package', 'tech': 'technology', 'tech specs': 'technical specifications', 'techn': 'technical', 'technol': 'technology', 'tel': 'telephone', 'telecom': 'telecommunications', 'telecomm': 'telecommunications', 'temp': 'temporary', 'thd': 'thread', 'theor': 'theoretical', 'theoret': 'theoretical', 'thk': 'thick', 'thru': 'through', 'tir': 'total indicator reading', 'tol': 'tolerance', 'toll': 'tollerance', 'trans': 'transaction', 'transf': 'transformer', 'transl': 'translation', 'transm': 'transmission', 'treat': 'treatment', 'treatm': 'treatment', 'troub': 'troublesome', 'ty': 'type', 'typ': 'typical', 'ua': 'unequal angle', 'uai': 'use as is', 'ub': 'universal beam', 'ucut': 'undercut', 'ull': 'under low limit', 'unk': 'unknown', 'unkn': 'unknown', 'unkw': 'unknown', 'unkwn': 'unknown', 'uno': 'unless noted otherwise', 'uon': 'unless otherwise noted', 'uos': 'unless otherwise specified', 'vac': 'vacuum', 'var': 'variable', 'vb': 'verb', 'ver': 'vertical', 'vert': 'vertical', 'vis ': 'visual', 'vlv': 'valve', 'vol': 'volume', 'vs': 'versus', 'vsl': 'vessel', 'w/': 'with', 'w/i': 'within', 'w/o': 'without', 'wc': 'welded column', 'wgt': 'weight', 'wk': 'work', 'wks': 'works', 'wt': 'weight', 'wtr': 'water', 'yd': 'yard', 'yp': 'yield point', 'yr': 'year', 'yrs': 'years', 'emb': 'embrittlement', 'env': 'environment', 'fat': 'fatigue', 'wstg': 'wastage', 'degr': 'degradation', 'deg': 'degradation', 'wst': 'waste ', 'chk': 'check', 'xmtr': 'transmitter', 'htr': 'heater', 'retest': 'test', 'verif': 'verify', 'atmos': 'atmospheric', 'cntl': 'control', 'cntrl': 'control', 'wshr': 'washer', 'vent': 'ventilation', 'xfer': 'transfer', 'purif': 'purification', 'hx': 'heat exchanger', 'scaff': 'scaffolding', 'scaf ': 'scaffolding', 'cbl': 'cable', 'cbls': 'cables', 'discnt': 'disconnect', 'dscnt': 'disconnect', 'dscnct': 'disconnect', 'regen': 'regenerate', 'recomb': 'recombine', 'depress': 'depressurize', 'demin': 'demineralize', 'strk': 'stroke', 'cntrld': 'controlled', 'dwncmr': 'downcomer', 'drn': 'drain', 'fdwtr': 'feed water', 'turb': 'turbine', 'emerg': 'emergency', 'alt': 'alternator', 'feedwater': 'feed water', 'shft': 'shaft', 'lo': 'low', 'hi': 'high', 'flw': 'flow', 'funct': 'functional', 'trng': 'training', 'tk': 'tank', 'tks': 'tanks', 'isol': 'isolate', 'suct': 'suction', 'tnk': 'tank', 'tnks': 'tanks', 'disch': 'discharge', 'emrg': 'emergency', 'islt': 'isolate', 'xfmr': 'transformer', 'xfrmr': 'transformer', 'stby': 'stand by', 'assmby': 'assembly', 'vrfy': 'verify', 'rls': 'release', 'lvl': 'level', 'deten': 'detension', 'rmve': 'remove', 'hrs': 'hours', 'perfrm': 'perform', 'sched': 'schedule', 'mods': 'modifications', 'cw': 'circulating water', 'rplc': 'replace', 'lwr': 'lower', "req'd": 'required', 'scrn': 'screen', 'wsh': 'wash', 'mtr': 'motor', 'trblsht': 'troubleshoot', 'ht': 'heat', 'oos': 'out of service', 'spre': 'spare', 'otbd': 'outboard', 'inbd': 'inboard', 'underwtr': 'underwater', 'vib': 'vibration', 'vibs': 'vibrations', 'rplce': 'replace', 'maint': 'maintenance', 'mntnc': 'maintenance', 'mainten': 'maintenance', 'maintenan': 'maintenance', 'mainte': 'maintenance', 'chng': 'change', 'inop': 'inoperative', 'perma': 'permanent', 'trav': 'traveling', 'vibes': 'vibrations', 'crac': 'crack', 'stab': 'stabilize'}