# Copyright 2024, Battelle Energy Alliance, LLC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Created on May 3, 2021
@author: mandd
# External Imports
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
# import codecs
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
# import nltk
# import unicodedata
import re
import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import spacy
# Internal Import
class OPMobject(object):
def __init__(self, filename):
self.filename = filename
def OPLentityParser(self):
This method extracts all the form and function entities out of the OPL html file and it puts them in two separate lists:
* self.objectList
* self.processList
This process is performed by parsing the html file and identify color-coded entities.
with open(self.filename) as fp:
soup = BeautifulSoup(fp, "html.parser")
elements = soup.find("font").findChildren()
for element in elements:
if element.has_attr('color'):
elem = element.string.replace("\n", " ")
elem = checkAcronym(elem)
if elem[1] is not None:
self.acronyms[elem[1]] = elem[0]
elem = elem[0]
if element['color'] == '#006d00':
if elem.lower() not in self.objectList:
elif element['color'] == '#000078':
if elem.lower() not in self.processList:
def OPLtextParser(self):
This method extracts all the sentences out of the OPL html file and it puts them in a list (self.sentences)
objects = {}
functions = {}
with open(self.filename) as fp:
soup = BeautifulSoup(fp, "html.parser")
# kill all script and style elements
for script in soup(["script", "style"]):
script.extract() # rip it out
# get text
text = soup.get_text()
# break into lines and remove leading and trailing space on each
lines = (line.strip() for line in text.splitlines())
# break multi-headlines into a line each
chunks = (phrase.strip() for line in lines for phrase in line.split(" "))
# drop blank lines
text = '\n'.join(chunk for chunk in chunks if chunk)
self.sentences = text.split(".")
for index, sentence in enumerate(self.sentences):
self.sentences[index] = self.sentences[index].replace("\n", " ")
self.sentences[index] = self.sentences[index].replace("\xa0", "")
self.sentences[index] = self.sentences[index].lstrip().lower()
def OPLparser(self):
This method translates all the sentences (see self.sentences) and creates a graph structure (self.opmGraph)
self.opmGraph = nx.MultiDiGraph()
# These are 4 sets of OPL keywords
OPLattributes = ['environmental','physical','informatical']
OPLkeywordsDefinition = ['is an instance of ','is an','is']
OPLkeywordsObjects = ['consists of']
OPLkeywordsProcess = ['consumes','yields','requires','affects', 'feed']
OPLkeywordsStates = ['can be']
OPLkeywordsAttributes = ['exhibits']
OPLkeywordsAction = ['changes']
colorMatches = {'consists of':'r',
'consumes' :'b' ,
'yields' :'k',
'requires' :'m',
'affects' :'g',
'feed' :'y'}
for sentence in self.sentences:
sentence = removeAcronym(sentence)
# create new elements in the graph from each sentence
for elem in OPLkeywordsObjects+OPLkeywordsProcess:
if elem in sentence:
partitions = sentence.partition(elem)
subj = partitions[0]
conjs = re.split('and |, ',partitions[2])
if '' in conjs:
for conj in conjs:
self.opmGraph.add_edge(subj.strip(), conj.strip(), color=colorMatches[elem], key=elem)
# remove elements from "exhibits"
if OPLkeywordsAttributes[0] in sentence:
partitions = sentence.partition(OPLkeywordsAttributes[0])
subj = partitions[0]
conjs = re.split('and |, ',partitions[2])
for conj in conjs:
self.opmGraph.add_node(conj.strip(), color='g', key='attribute')
self.opmGraph.add_edge(subj.strip(), conj.strip(), color='b', key='exhibits')
# address "changes"
if OPLkeywordsAction[0] in sentence:
partitions = sentence.partition(OPLkeywordsAction[0])
subj = partitions[0]
conj = partitions[2].partition(' from ')
self.opmGraph.add_edge(subj.strip(), conj[0].strip(), color='g', key='changes')
# address 'is instance of a'
if 'is instance of a' in sentence:
partitions = sentence.partition('is instance of a')
subj = partitions[0]
conj = partitions[2]
self.opmGraph.add_edge(subj.strip(), conj.strip(), color='c', key='changes')
for elem in self.objectList:
self.opmGraph.add_node(elem, color='m', key='object')
for elem in self.processList:
self.opmGraph.add_node(elem, color='k', key='process')
def returnsExternalLinks(self):
This method returns the links to other external OPM models
return self.links2OPMs
def returnGraph(self):
This method returns the networkx graph
return self.opmGraph
def returnObjectList(self):
This method returns the the list of objects
objectNodes = [x for x,y in self.opmGraph.nodes(data=True) if y['key']=='object']
return objectNodes
def returnProcessList(self):
This method returns the the list of processes
processNodes = [x for x,y in self.opmGraph.nodes(data=True) if y['key']=='process']
return processNodes
def returnAttributeList(self):
This method returns the the list of attributes
attributeNodes = [x for x,y in self.opmGraph.nodes(data=True) if y['key']=='attribute']
return attributeNodes
def returnAcronym(self):
return self.acronyms
def checkAcronym(s):
This method separates an OPM object if an acronym is defined
For example:
'travelling screen (TWS)' --> ('travelling screen', 'TWS')
'travelling screen' --> ('travelling screen', None)
if '(' in s:
acronym = s[s.find("(")+1:s.find(")")]
label = s[0:s.find("(")]
return (label.strip(),acronym)
return (s,None)
def removeAcronym(s):
This method returns only the OPM object if an acronym is defined
For example: 'travelling screen (TWS) failed' --> 'travelling screen failed'
if '(' in s:
acronym = s[s.find("(")+1:s.find(")")]
cleaned = s.replace("("+acronym+")", '')
return cleaned
return s