# Copyright 2024, Battelle Energy Alliance, LLC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
import sys
import math
import numpy as np
from nltk.corpus import wordnet as wn
from nltk.corpus import wordnet_ic
def synsetListSimilarity(synsetList1, synsetList2, delta=0.85):
Compute similarity for synsetList pair
synsetList1: list, list of synset
synsetList2: list, list of synset
delta: float, between 0 and 1, factor for semantic similarity contribution
similarity: float, the similarity score
similarity = delta * semanticSimilaritySynsetList(synsetList1, synsetList2) + (1.0-delta)* wordOrderSimilaritySynsetList(synsetList1, synsetList2)
return similarity
def wordOrderSimilaritySynsetList(synsetList1, synsetList2):
Compute word order similarity for synsetList pair
synsetList1: list, list of synset
synsetList2: list, list of synset
float, word order similarity score
# keep the order (works for python3.7+)
synSet = list(dict.fromkeys(synsetList1+synsetList2))
# synSet = list(set(synsetList1).union(set(synsetList2)))
index = {syn[1]: syn[0] for syn in enumerate(synSet)}
r1 = constructSynsetOrderVector(synsetList1, synSet, index)
r2 = constructSynsetOrderVector(synsetList2, synSet, index)
srTemp = np.linalg.norm(r1-r2)/np.linalg.norm(r1+r2)
return 1-srTemp
def constructSynsetOrderVector(synsets, jointSynsets, index):
Construct synset order vector for word order similarity calculation
synsets: list of synsets
jointSynsets: list of joint synsets
index: int, index for synsets
vector: np.array, synset order vector
vector = np.zeros(len(jointSynsets))
i = 0
synsets = set(synsets)
for syn in jointSynsets:
if syn in synsets:
vector[i] = index[syn]
synSimilar, similarity = identifyBestSimilarSynsetFromSynsets(syn, synsets)
if similarity > 0.4:
vector[i] = index[synSimilar]
vector[i] = 0
i +=1
return vector
def identifyBestSimilarSynsetFromSynsets(syn, synsets):
Identify best similar synset from synsets
syn: wn.synset, synset
synsets: list of synsets
bestSyn: the best similar synset in synsets
similarity: the best similarity score
similarity = 0.0
bestSyn = None
for syn1 in synsets:
temp = semanticSimilaritySynsets(syn, syn1)
if temp > similarity:
similarity = temp
bestSyn = syn1
return bestSyn, similarity
def semanticSimilaritySynsets(synsetA, synsetB, disambiguation=False):
Compute the similarity between two synset using semantic analysis
(e.g., using both path length and depth information in wordnet)
synsetA: wordnet.synset, the first synset
synsetB: wordnet.synset, the second synset
similarity: float, [0, 1], the similarity score
shortDistance = pathLength(synsetA, synsetB, disambiguation=disambiguation)
maxHierarchy = scalingDepthEffect(synsetA, synsetB, disambiguation=disambiguation)
similarity = shortDistance*maxHierarchy
return similarity
def pathLength(synsetA, synsetB, alpha=0.2, disambiguation=False):
Path length calculation using nonlinear transfer function between two Wordnet Synsets.
The two Synsets should be the best Synset Pair (e.g., disambiguation should be performed)
synsetA: wordnet.synset, synset for first word
synsetB: wordnet.synset, synset for second word
alpha: float, a constant in monotonically descreasing function, exp(-alpha*wordnetpathLength),
parameter used to scale the shortest path length. For wordnet, the optimal value is 0.2
disambiguation: bool, True if disambiguation have been performed for the given synsets
shortDistance: float, [0, 1], the shortest distance between two synsets using exponential descreasing
synsetA = wn.synset(synsetA.name())
synsetB = wn.synset(synsetB.name())
maxLength = sys.maxsize
if synsetA is None or synsetB is None:
return 0.0
# ? The original word is difference, but their synset are the same, we assume the path length is zero
if synsetA == synsetB:
maxLength = 0.0
if not disambiguation:
lemmaSetA = set([str(word.name()) for word in synsetA.lemmas()])
lemmaSetB = set([str(word.name()) for word in synsetB.lemmas()])
#this line if the word is none
if len(lemmaSetA.intersection(lemmaSetB)) > 0:
maxLength = 1.0
maxLength = synsetA.shortest_path_distance(synsetB)
if maxLength is None:
maxLength = 0.0
# when disamigutation is performed, we should avoid to check lemmas
maxLength = synsetA.shortest_path_distance(synsetB)
if maxLength is None:
maxLength = 0.0
shortDistance = math.exp(-alpha*maxLength)
return shortDistance
def scalingDepthEffect(synsetA, synsetB, beta=0.45, disambiguation=False):
Words at upper layers of hierarchical semantic nets have more general concepts and less semantic similarity
between words than words at lower layers. This method is used to scale the similarity behavior with repect
to depth h (e.g., [exp(beta*h)-exp(-beta*g)]/[exp(beta*h)+exp(-beta*g)])
The two Synsets should be the best Synset Pair (e.g., disambiguation should be performed)
synsetA: wordnet.synset, synset for first word
synsetB: wordnet.synset, synset for second word
beta: float, parameter used to scale the shortest depth, for wordnet, the optimal value is 0.45
disambiguation: bool, True if disambiguation have been performed for the given synsets
treeDist: float, [0, 1], similary score based on depth effect in wordnet
maxLength = sys.maxsize
smoothingFactor = beta
if synsetA is None or synsetB is None:
return 0.0
if synsetA == synsetB:
if disambiguation:
return 1.0
# The following is from original code, I think it should be return 1.0 when synset are the same
# I think a new similarity calculations should be proposed
# values for different lengths and their similarity score:
# len simScore
# 0 0.0
# 1 0.4218990052500079
# 2 0.7162978701990244
# 3 0.874053287886007
# 4 0.9468060128462682
# 5 0.9780261147388136
# 6 0.9910074536781175
maxLength = max(word[1] for word in synsetA.hypernym_distances())
hypernymWordA = {word[0]: word[1] for word in synsetA.hypernym_distances()}
hypernymWordB = {word[0]: word[1] for word in synsetB.hypernym_distances()}
commonValue = set(hypernymWordA.keys()).intersection(set(hypernymWordB.keys()))
if len(commonValue) <=0:
maxLength = 0
distances = []
for common in commonValue:
commonWordADist = 0
commonWordBDist = 0
if common in hypernymWordA:
commonWordADist = hypernymWordA[common]
if common in hypernymWordB:
commonWordBDist = hypernymWordB[common]
maxDistance = max(commonWordADist, commonWordBDist)
maxLength = max(distances)
treeDist = (math.exp(smoothingFactor*maxLength)- math.exp(-smoothingFactor*maxLength))/(math.exp(smoothingFactor*maxLength) + math.exp(-smoothingFactor*maxLength))
return treeDist
def semanticSimilaritySynsetList(synsetList1, synsetList2):
Compute the similarity between two synsetList using semantic analysis
(i.e., compute the similarity using both path length and depth information in wordnet)
synsetList1: list, the list of synset
synsetList2: list, the list of synset
semSimilarity: float, [0, 1], the similarity score
synSet = set(synsetList1).union(set(synsetList2))
wordVectorA = constructSemanticVector(synsetList1, synSet)
wordVectorB = constructSemanticVector(synsetList2, synSet)
semSimilarity = np.dot(wordVectorA, wordVectorB)/(np.linalg.norm(wordVectorA)*np.linalg.norm(wordVectorB))
return semSimilarity
def constructSemanticVector(syns, jointSyns):
Construct semantic vector
syns: list of synsets
jointSyns: list of joint synsets
vector: numpy.array, the semantic vector
synSet = set(syns)
vector = np.zeros(len(jointSyns))
i = 0
for jointSyn in jointSyns:
if jointSyn in synSet:
vector[i] = 1
_, similarity = identifyBestSimilarSynsetFromSynsets(jointSyn, synSet)
if similarity >0.2:
vector[i] = similarity
vector[i] = 0.0
return vector
def synsetsSimilarity(synsetA, synsetB, method='semantic_similarity_synsets', disambiguation=True):
Compute synsets similarity
synsetA: wordnet.synset, the first synset
synsetB: wordnet.synset, the second synset
method: str, the method used to compute synset similarity
one of ['semantic_similarity_synsets', 'path', 'wup', 'lch', 'res', 'jcn', 'lin']
disambiguation: bool, True if disambiguation has been already performed
similarity: float, [0, 1], the similarity score
method = method.lower()
if method != 'semantic_similarity_synsets' and not method.endswith('_similarity'):
method = '_'.join([method, 'similarity'])
wordnetSimMethod = ["path_similarity", "wup_similarity", "lch_similarity", "res_similarity", "jcn_similarity", "lin_similarity"]
sematicSimMethod = ['semantic_similarity_synsets']
synsetA = wn.synset(synsetA.name())
synsetB = wn.synset(synsetB.name())
if method in wordnetSimMethod:
if method in ["path_similarity", "wup_similarity"]:
similarity = getattr(wn, method)(synsetA, synsetB)
elif method == "lch_similarity":
if synsetA.name().split(".")[1] == synsetB.name().split(".")[1]:
similarity = getattr(wn, method)(synsetA, synsetB)
similarity = 0.0
brownIc = wordnet_ic.ic('ic-brown.dat')
if synsetA.name().split(".")[1] == synsetB.name().split(".")[1]:
similarity = getattr(wn, method)(synsetA, synsetB, brownIc)
similarity = 0.0
similarity = 0.0
elif method in sematicSimMethod:
similarity = semanticSimilaritySynsets(synsetA, synsetB, disambiguation=disambiguation)
raise ValueError(f'{method} is not valid, please use one of {wordnetSimMethod+sematicSimMethod}')
return similarity
def constructSemanticVectorUsingDisambiguatedSynsets(wordSynsets, jointWordSynsets, simMethod='semantic_similarity_synsets'):
Construct semantic vector while disambiguation has been already performed
wordSynsets: set/list, set of words synsets
jointWords: set, set of joint words synsets
simMethod: str, method for similarity analysis in the construction of semantic vectors
one of ['semantic_similarity_synsets', 'path', 'wup', 'lch', 'res', 'jcn', 'lin']
vector: numpy.array, semantic vector with disambiguation
wordSynsets = set(wordSynsets)
vector = np.zeros(len(jointWordSynsets))
for i, jointSynset in enumerate(jointWordSynsets):
simVector = []
if jointSynset in wordSynsets:
vector[i] = 1
for synsetB in wordSynsets:
similarity = synsetsSimilarity(jointSynset, synsetB, method=simMethod, disambiguation=True)
maxSim = max(simVector)
# if similarity < 0.2, treat it as noise and reset it to 0.0
if maxSim >= 0.2:
vector[i] = maxSim
vector[i] = 0.0
return vector
def semanticSimilarityUsingDisambiguatedSynsets(synsetsA, synsetsB, simMethod='semantic_similarity_synsets'):
Compute semantic similarity for given synsets while disambiguation has been already performed for given synsets
synsetsA: set/list, list of synsets
synsetsB: set/list, list of synsets
simMethod: str, method for similarity analysis in the construction of semantic vectors
one of ['semantic_similarity_synsets', 'path', 'wup', 'lch', 'res', 'jcn', 'lin']
semSimilarity: float, [0, 1], the similarity score
jointWordSynsets = set(synsetsA).union(set(synsetsB))
wordVectorA = constructSemanticVectorUsingDisambiguatedSynsets(synsetsA, jointWordSynsets, simMethod=simMethod)
wordVectorB = constructSemanticVectorUsingDisambiguatedSynsets(synsetsB, jointWordSynsets, simMethod=simMethod)
semSimilarity = np.dot(wordVectorA, wordVectorB)/(np.linalg.norm(wordVectorA)*np.linalg.norm(wordVectorB))
return semSimilarity